Defining seizure type and frequency, and analyzing MRI and EEG findings in MS populations of Khorasan. A cross-sectional study (ORP-21)

Document Type : Oral Presentation


Department of Neurology, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran


Introduction: Seizures have been recognized to occur in multiple sclerosis since early descriptions of the disease. The goal of this study is to evaluate the type of seizures, and also EEG and MRI findings in patients of Khorasan Razavi MS society in a cross_sectional study
Material and Method: 812 patients with MS were evaluated and followed up for one year in terms of seizure attacks. Patients who had seizures before and during this period were assessed clinically and paraclinically based on MRI and EEG. And final data were analyzed with SPSS.
Findings: 13 patients of all cases (1.6%) experienced seizures; 3 of them were excluded because of unwillingness to cooperate. Thus seizure type of 10 patients was assessed. All of them experienced generalized seizures. MS type was RRMS in 9 patients (90%) and PPMS in 1(10%) of them. EEG pattern showed background slowing in 6 cases (60%) and epileptiform discharges in 6 cases (60%). MRI pathologies included cortical atrophy in 9 patients (90%), and subcortical and juxtacortical high t2 lesions in all patients. There was no significant relation between years of illness and intensity of MRI lesions (p value>0/05). A significant relation between EEG background slowing and intensity of subcortical and juxtacortical lesions (p value<0/015( was seen. There is also a significant relation between epileptiform discharges in EEG and the severity of cortical atrophy(p value<0/036).
Conclusion: the prevalence of seizure in MS population was 1/6% (n=13). Despite finding some correlations between lesions in MRI and EEG, we can not find a characteristic pattern of seizure in MS.


  • Receive Date: 30 November 2023
  • Accept Date: 30 November 2023